Reptile / Saara hardwickii
Indian Spiny-Tailed Lizard
Publications that mention Indian Spiny-Tailed Lizard in relation to Kutch
- Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard: First record of Saara Hardwickii (Gray, 1827) in south-western Hisar District of Haryana, IndiaDP Srivastava, AS Chauhan, R Ahlawat - ZOO'S PRINT, 2018 - zoosprint.zooreach.org
- Ecological observations on the Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard Saara hardwickii (Gray, 1827)(Reptilia: Squamata: Agamidae) in Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan …SK Das, S Dookia, K Das… - Journal of Threatened Taxa, 2013 - threatenedtaxa.org
- Natural History Observations on the Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard Uromastyx hardwickii in the Thar DesertM Ramesh, R Sankaran - Faunal Heritage of Rajasthan, India, 2013 - Springer
- 18. Population ecology of spiny tailed lizard (Saara hardwickii) from lesser Cholistan desert, Bahawalpur, PunjabS Khalil, A Nisar, THA Hassan - Pure and Applied Biology (PAB), 2020 - mail.thepab.org
- Population status, habitat suitability and threat assessment of Indian spiny-tailed lizard Saara hardwickii (Gray, 1827) in the Thar desert of RajasthanM Kaur, M Joshi, K Sarma… - Journal of Wildlife …, 2020 - wildlife-biodiversity.com
- DNA sequence monomorphism of Indian spiny-tailed lizard Saara hardwickii suggests urgent conservationC Sharma, A Das, S Mohanty, U Shyamsunder - 2018 - researchgate.net
- On the population status of Indian spiny-tailed lizard, Saara hardwickii outside the Thar Desert of Rajasthan, with a preliminary report on the herpetofauna of …SK Das, M Joshi, S Sahoo - Herpetology Notes, 2015 - biotaxa.org
- Indian Spiny-Tailed Lizard Saara hardwickii in Sariska Tiger Reserve, North-Eastern Rajasthan, IndiaM Parashar, D Mandal, P Chourasia… - Journal of the Bombay …, 2014 - bnhsjournal.org
- A study on diet and relationship of indus valley Spiny-tailed Lizard (Saara hardwickii) with vegetation.S Qasim, M Rais, F Akrim… - JAPS, Journal of Animal …, 2018 - researchgate.net
- Sandy ka tail (Saara Hardwickii Oil) and Footpath Hakeems: a Challenge to Modern ClinicsM Ehsan, MZ Khalil, F Rasool - Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and …, 2018 - i-proclaim.my
- Natural History Observations on the Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard Uromastyx hardwickiiM Ramesh, R Sankaran - researchgate.net
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